Embrace Your Beauty

I decided to write this blog because of the things that I have seen and personally experienced in my lifetime. Ladies, we have to make a decision to love ourselves! If we don’t like it, then we have to fix it! If there are things that we cannot fix, learn to love them as they are. There are enough people in the world working against you, don’t add yourself to that list.

5 months ago, I made the decision to be natural. For those of who you do not understand this language, it means that I stepped away from the chemicals (relaxers). I decided that I would no longer straighten my hair nor embrace things that were not a part of my natural beauty. I quit buying weave, quit paying for fake nails, and started loving me. Oh, what a wonderful time we (me, myself, and I) have had. A lot of people are doing the “natural thing” now and they feel that it is cool, but people rarely talk about the rough times…learning to love yourself in a natural state that is quite unnatural to everyone else.

I have a few tips for you:

1)    Only comb with water. A lot of times, we joke about having nappy hair. It’s actually not nappy, but a very think beautiful texture of curls. Before you touch it, spray it with pure water. Watch your hair become soft and beautiful.

2)    Don’t hide behind HUGE earrings and heavy make-up. Ladies, I am a fan of large earrings that scream sophistication, but I am not afraid to walk out with a pretty pair of pearls.

3)    If you feel fat, lose the weight! This is a very long and boring process. I am just being honest. I have lost over 50 pounds, learned the technique, and play with my weight constantly. The only reason that I haven’t dropped 100 is because I get lazy. You have to be true about your situation if you wish to change it. There is not a diet pill to save the day. All it takes is eating right and exercising. BORING, but healthy and necessary.

4)    Try colors!! I used to be the black and white Queen! Those were the only colors in my closet. Now, I love red, blue, green, pink, and tan. I am still experimenting. If you cannot buy a whole outfit, buy pieces. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

5)    Research ways to play with what you have. I have always had a problem with my eyebrows, so I hid them with different hairstyles or paid to get them professionally done. Thanks to YouTube, I arch my own eyebrows and know how to make them look great! I did the same thing with my clothes. I wanted a different look and I found it!

6)    When you get up in the morning, look at your eyes, skin, lips, nose, and teeth. SMILE! Love it!

Ladies, don’t let the rap songs and celebrities deter you from loving who you are. We all can’t be skinny, we all can’t have long hair, we all can’t have big butts, we all can’t have long nails, and we all do not have straight hair. Your skin, looks, and lifestyle don’t make you better than anyone else, but it is your uniqueness (whatever it may be) that makes you beautiful. We all CAN have high self-esteem! Love yourself!

Photo Credit: My friend sent me this picture. As soon as I find the author, I will let you know.

EJ’s Love Quotes: 1-20

September 5, 2012, I decided to create my own love quotes. I used Facebook as my outlet. I was determined to reach 50, but I made it to 51. I usually do not post online continuously, so this was my new beginning. A few of my friends have been contacting me and asking me to post them again. A few even asked me about being published! I will take it one step at a time. Today, I have decided to share this information with my WordPress and Twitter friends. Below are EJ’s Love Quotes 1-20. These quotes come from experience and exposure.


1: “I wish that I could give a man my mind for a day and I wish that I could borrow his, but the reality is that this is impossible.”

2: “Trust my words and know that they are attached to my heart.”

3: “Understand that a relationship includes 2 bodies, 2 minds, 2 mouths, and 2 spirits, not 1. Effective communication enhances the bond and strengthens the relationship.”

4: “I will always return the love that you give to me. For you are my King and you deserve it.”

5: ‘We are nothing without communication. It is not about hearing, but listening and understanding.”

6: “Love: A set of feelings that are established based off of the way that you treat me emotionally and mentally.”

7: “Be good to my heart. There is always someone looking to be good to my body; therefore, it takes more than that.”

8: “A good man is a good friend.”

9: “If a person promises that they will treat you better when you are married, but disrespects you while you are dating…don’t expect it to change.”

10: “All men are not bad, some women are the problem. Don’t be the problem.”

11: “When you are with someone that you love, the war begins. Negative people, manipulative women, thirsty men, family, friends, jobs, income, and life are on the front line ready to attack! Choose a solider that is equipped with the strength and discipline to win the war. Now ask yourself…is he/she ready?”

12: “You can’t be in a relationship alone. It takes 2 people.”

13: “Love yourself, but make room for others.”

14: “The bitter one claims that he/she knows it all. The happy one understands that he/she has more to learn and is open to being taught new things.”

15: “Saying that you love someone automatically enters you into a contract that promises you will be there for them through the good and the bad times. If your understanding is different, you are playing.”

16: “Ladies, don’t be mad when he is watching football or playing the video game. He COULD be finding other ways to spend his time.”

17: “Men, women are emotional creatures. **This is not a secret** If you love her, tend to those emotions. Enjoy them! After all, there is nothing like the wrath of an emotionless woman.”

18: “Just call to say, ” I Love You.””

19: “Always settling for what is convenient will result in you ending up old and alone or old and unhappy. You can’t avoid getting old, but you can control the rest. ** What you do in the dark always comes to light**”

20: “Don’t get too comfortable because you have her/him. You have to also keep her/him. **Life**”